The PET Files

Message in a bottle

In recent years, there has been a growing concern about the environmental impact of plastic bottles. Many people see plastic bottles as a major contributor to pollution and environmental degradation, but the truth is that plastic bottles can be a valuable resource if they are recycled properly.

One of the most common types of plastic bottles is those made from PET, or polyethylene terephthalate. While it is true that plastic bottles made from PET can take hundreds of years to degrade, they are also highly recyclable. When properly recycled, PET bottles can be made into new bottles, clothing, carpeting, and even automotive parts.

When compared to glass bottles, plastic bottles have several distinct advantages. For one, they are much lighter, which reduces the carbon footprint of transportation. Additionally, plastic bottles are less likely to break during transport, which reduces the amount of glass waste in our landfills. Moreover, the production of plastic bottles generates less greenhouse gasses than the production of glass bottles.

Another important aspect is that plastic bottles don't affect the river banks, oceans or the life in it, unlike glass bottles as it can easily break and can harm the aquatic life or even make it difficult for animals to move in the water. In fact, plastic bottles are an excellent alternative to glass bottles, especially in areas where the transportation and distribution of heavy glass bottles can be difficult or expensive.

While it is important to reduce the number of plastic bottles that end up in our landfills, it is equally important to recognize that plastic bottles have many benefits when they are recycled properly. Instead of demonizing plastic bottles, we should focus on developing more efficient and effective recycling programs.